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Punt Avans hotspot photography

Commisioned by Punt Avans

At the beginning of every school year Punt Avans makes a intro magazine especially for the new student that will start there study at Hogeschool Avans that year. In this magazine a few students show there favorite places in there Avans city. (A city where a Hogeschool Avans is located) In 2018 I was the one that was allowed to show Punt Avans some nice spots in 's-Hertogenbosch and I asked them if it was okay if I also made the pictures myself. They where enthusiastic about my proposal to make the pictures and asked me to do the same for the other Avans city's as well! I liked it very much to be able to photograph a lot of new places I had never seen before. So much, that I helped Punt Avans again in 2019 with there new edition of the intro magazine. 

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